Thursday, April 15, 2010

Abbie & Matt's Wedding

Abbie & Matt's wedding was held in Yankton South Dakota on Friday September 4th 2009. The wedding was held at Trinity Lutheran and the reception was at Hillcrest Country Club. The wedding was definatly a family affair with her little nieces as flower girls and a Matt's nephew as a ring bearer. Plus Matt's twin Mason was the best man, Abbie's brother Aaron was a groomsman along with Matt's brother-in-law and Abbie's bother-in-law all a part of the wedding party. Abbie's sister Amanda was the matron of honor with her sister-in-law Stacy and friends, Lindsay, Jenni, Chelsea and myself as attendants. I feel like I am forgetting someone! Amanda gave the best speech, she found a old note of Abbie's that listed all the qualities she wanted in a husband like he had to be like Michael Jordan and Tiger Woods, but look like Brad Pitt...funny stuff like that. Although I think these days she might re-think the Tiger Woods part. It was hilarious we were all in tears from laughing, especially Ab!
We all had a great time riding in the huge limo after the wedding and taking some beautiful photos by the river. Abbie and Matt currently live in Yankton and being so close I am going to visit this weekend! I can't wait! It is April 15th today so by then all the Schaap clan should be in a good mood:) Just kidding, they are always happy!

1 comment:

  1. First adult beverage post-baby! Sad, but I was feeling it!
