Thursday, December 16, 2010

Adelynn 12-14months

Adelynn's first taste of cake for her birthday! She loved it...we eventually had to take it away, she didn't eat the whole thing:) But she was up until 11pm on a sugar rush I think.
Her favorite kitchen spot to hang out is in one of our lower cabinets. She takes things in there and tries to shut the door so you can't see her. Here she is doing a bit of light reading.
This is a scarf I had and I put it on Adelynn one day. She loves it and gets mad if you try to take it away. She even wore it to daycare one day.
Her car is by far her favorite toy. A gift from Craig for her birthday she does everything in it. Watches television, hauls toys around the house, she even drinks and drives occasionally, which we frown upon (although they did put two cup holders in the back - really? - toddlers need cup holders?)
Here she is waiting for her first Thanksgiving meal. She was seated before the rest of us. She had a great time eating turkey and enjoyed leftovers for days to come.

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