Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Tubing Trip 2010

View of Norden Bridge
Part of the gang on the way home.

Fog on the lense.

The love birds.

Craig cooked a hot dog, it was so black only Benny would eat it

"Kansas" or "JC" depending on who you talk to. Getting ready to play 80's/ Top Gun Trivia
Kelly - recovering from a nap in 115 degree tent

8 am
The only KU fans
"That's what she said"
Horseshoe action shot
The Megan's, double trouble
Kelly & Rachel on the bridge

So we went on our annual (except for when Rachel's pregnant) tubing trip in July. We all had a good time even though the turn out wasn't the best. We had a fun group to make up for the numbers. I would call this the "that's what she said" trip. More photos to come as soon as I get my water proof old school camera developed.
Personal Low Point: Locking the keys in the car
Personal High Point: Dan and I beating Craig & Benny at Polish Horseshoes

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